Coming soon

Coming soon

I’m a multidisciplinary Graphic Designer, made in France and based in London. I got into graphic design through graffiti, which opened up the world of typography and colour – two elements that are still at the centre of my practice. My work spans from Branding, Art Direction, to Editorial and Digital Design. I am always looking for exciting projects and new challenges to collaborate on with large-scale agencies, smaller-sized studios and individual clients. I work from a studio in South London, but am also available to work in-house on specific projects.
When I’m not doing graphic design, I explore the outside world with a camera in hand, do screen printing and compile music into podcasts for a French radio station.
I’d love to hear from you, so please hit me up!
+44 (0)7 802 802 631 /// hello@antoinemarinot.comCopied to clipboard